jueves, 30 de abril de 2015

¡ Cuánto crecieron los chicos de 2 N !

Ellos debían traer alguna ropita o jueguete de cuando eran chiquitos.
Fue muy lindo escuchar las historias de sus pertenecías.
Luego comparamos un antes y ahora. Y con un diagrama de Venn ellos se asombraron de ¡cuántas! cosas en común hay con esos bebes que eran hace 7 años atrás. 

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015


Animals' homes

Here's the video we watched in class this afternoon... enjoy it at home, too!

And if you click here, you can read about the rainforest and its animals!

Miss Luchi.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2015


Our first listening

Today we've worked on a listening comprehension activity and you surprised me! You worked very well and your results were super! 

Here's the video. Maybe you want to watch it at home again! =) 

Miss Luchi.

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015

Tablas de sumas

Tablas de suma

Operaciones básicas. Tablas de sumas y restas.

Cuadro de doble entrada para practicar cálculos mentales

Día de la Tierra

Así festejamos hoy, aprendiendo nuevas palabras, tomando conciencia ...
Y el cierre fue súper poético.

jueves, 16 de abril de 2015

Describing dinosaurs!

What a great dinosaur!

Today we wrote many sentences to revise dinosaurs' descriptions. We worked with this incredible dinosaur:

These are the sentences we wrote altogether:

It's purple and yellow.
It's big and thin.
It lives in caves and cliffs.
It can fly.
It can eat fish.
It can't run fast.
It has got two hands and two wings.
It has got a short tail.
It hasn't got feathers.

You've worked very well 2nd N!
Miss Luchi.

Show de Números hasta el 100


jueves, 9 de abril de 2015


In Music Lessons we are learning this song to sing in Earth Day Celebration. We share it ans invite everyone to learn it as well and enjoy singing it!!