lunes, 9 de marzo de 2015

Leemos las hojas.... pero de los árboles.

Encontramos hojas con forma de corazón, de orejita y puede ser con dientitos en el borde.

Esta actividad tiene como objetivo desarrollar la inteligencia naturalista así lograrán ser observadores.

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2015

Ipads in the classroom!

A funny pirate

Yesterday we took the Ipads into the classroom and we made great and funny movies using the application "My Funny Movie Maker". We made fantastic movies using our mouths and we worked very well!

Congratulations 2nd N!
Miss Luchi.

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2015

Beginning the year...

Pirate Pat

This week we've worked a lot with the summer reader, Pirate Pat. We did a routine called "Beginning, Middle and End", for which we worked with the parts of the story and then, we invented new beginnings and new ends for Pirate Pat. And we worked in groups, achieving excellent results!

Great job 2nd N!

And we also completed a file card about Pirate Pat. We discovered the author, the illustrator, the characters, the setting and even the plot of the story! 

Let's go on working this well!
Miss Luchi.

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2015

¡ Así somos los chicos de 2 F!

En esta semana nos interesamos por contarles a mis amigos  A mi gusta.... y No me gusta...
Empieza el año y es muy importante que nos conozcamos mejor.